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It’s 2019 and it is time for a new look and feel for Thailand NA’s website. I always think of websites like cars. You need to upgrade every few years and need to do proper maintenance to keep the engine running.

With our new website there are a few things we wanted to accomplish:

Make it easier and faster to update and add new meetings

Keeping the meeting list up to date with real time accurate information is vital. We could never express enough how important it is to help addicts get to a meeting. With our new website, it is built on WordPress now which is the most used platform and content management systems on the entire internet. And one of the main reasons for that is the ease to update content even for non-techies.

Make the user experience easier for our vistors

With a fresh design and by ‘Keeping it Simple’, this makes it simple for our website visitors, both local members and newcomers as well as traveling recovering addicts, to locate information including meetings, literature information, and a newly added blog feature where we can make pages for our Conventions & Events. And we all know how awesome Thailand conventions are! Many addicts from around the world visit Thailand every year for our conventions.

A safe and secure solution

With the new website lauch comes new hosting dedicated for WordPress websites which also adds and SSL certificate. This is an extra layer or encryted security for the website and what gives the HTTPS with a padlock in your browser, letting everyone know they are on a safe and protected site. Also, there are daily automated backups so we can feel at ease knowing no matter what, the website is safe.

And new features soon to be added

With the new website and the way it has been built, adding new features can be done painless and without complex programming that requires a highly skilled professional. In fact, many of the features are already there and just needs to be set up when we are ready to add them. One of these features is making our site in both Thai and English. NA in Thailand is growing and not just for foreigners. Actually, this is a ground breaking period for Narcotics Anonymous in Thailand. We have an amazing H&I committee and dedicated members that are spreading the message of hope in Thai communities, facilities and prisons and for the first time, Thai addicts are learning there’s a way to stop using and recover through Narcotics Anonymous.

Please leave your feedback

We hope you are enjoying our new website. It is for eveyone so we encourage all feedback and any suggestions on what we can do for you here. Thanks

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